Terms Of Uploading Photos!

Acceptance of Terms

By using Starpy and the Profile System or Playlist System, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this document.

Profile System Usage:

One of profile system feature you can add a banner to your bot profile. To ensure the banner displays correctly, the Bot conducts multiple checks on the image. As a result, certain websites are approved for image uploads to streamline the process for users.

Allowed Websites:

The Bot supports image uploads from the following websites:

  1. imgbb.com

  2. imgur.com

  3. imageshack.us

  4. flickr.com

  5. tinypic.com

  6. photobucket.com

  7. gyazo.com

  8. pixabay.com

  • These sites have been included to facilitate image uploads and ensure compatibility with the Bot.


The image goes through several stages to be placed,

  1. URL Safety:

    • After verifying the image format, the bot will also check the integrity of the image using a security service. If the link is deemed unsafe, the bot will log the link, the user’s name, and the server details. The administration will review this information and take appropriate action if necessary.

    • Q\ Is it possible that you will be banned if you intentionally use unsafe links? A\ Yes, intentionally using unsafe links can lead to a ban.

  2. Loging:

    • The Bot logs all activities related to the placement and modification of banner and playlist photo. Authorized administrators have the right to access and review these logs to monitor the process of adding or changing the banner

      • The Bot logs only the image submitted through the Profile Banner form. No additional text, links, or other data are recorded

      • All logs are securely stored and automatically deleted every 30 days. Only trusted individuals have access, and no one from the administration can view them.

Thank you for choosing to engage with us. We value your feedback and are here to assist you.

Latest update: Aug 18, 2024

Last updated